Errol Musk Net Worth 2023: How Rich Is He Actually

Disclaimer: The net worth estimates and associated data that are displayed here come from a range of open sources online and offline. Due to the possibility of periodic changes in financial numbers and valuations. The net worth, assets and liabilties mentioned here should not be considered as facts.

Last Updated on September 23, 2023 by Benjamin Mulany

Want to know who is Errol Musk? He is a South African-born engineer, entrepreneur, and father of Elon Musk. Errol got significant attention in recent years due to his controversial familial ties with Elon and the entire Musk family. While not as well-known as his billionaire son, Errol has had his fair share of successes and controversies. As of 2023, Errol Musk net worth is estimated at $2.5 million.

In this blog, we will delve into Errol Musk’s life, career, personal life, and estimated net worth in 2023.

Full NameErrol Graham Musk
Popular NameErrol Musk
Net Worth$2.5 million
ProfessionSouth African retired electrical and mechanical engineering, entrepreneur
Birth Date1946 (age 77 years)
Birth PlaceSouth Africa
Height6 ft 2 in (1.88 m)
Weight81 kg
Zodiac SignCapricorn
Ex-wifeMaye Musk
Last UpdatedSeptember 2023
Errol Musk’s Bio

Early Life

Errol Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, in 1946. At a young age, he displayed a remarkable aptitude for engineering and obtained a professional engineer’s certification, setting the stage for a promising career.

Errol Musk Net Worth And Career

Early in his professional life, Errol worked as a property developer and engineering consultant, which allowed him to accumulate some wealth.

His career ventures extended beyond engineering, as he also had financial interests in mining equipment, real estate, and other businesses. Rumors circulated about Errol owning an emerald mine in Zambia, although he has publicly denied such claims.

His diverse portfolio of investments reflected his ambition and willingness to explore different avenues for financial success.

Errol Musk net worth of $2.5 million and life journey provide us with valuable lessons about family dynamics, wealth accumulation, the impact of controversy, mentorship, and the pursuit of balance.

Personal Life: Errol Musk Relationship With Elon Musk

Errol Musk’s personal life has been marked by controversy and intrigue. He has been married twice, first to Maye Haldeman Musk and later to Heide-Mari. From these marriages, he has children who have made headlines in their own right.

Notably, his son Kimbal Musk, an entrepreneur in his own right, boasts an estimated net worth of $700 million. Errol played a significant role in Kimbal’s journey to success, showcasing his influence within his family.

However, it is Errol’s relationship with his more famous son, Elon Musk, that has garnered the most attention. Despite Elon’s claims of being a self-made billionaire, Errol provided both financial and emotional support to his son’s early ventures.

Elon’s ascent to becoming the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX may not have been possible without the foundation laid by his father. Their complex relationship has been the subject of media scrutiny, with contrasting narratives of their interactions.

5 Lessons We Learned from Errol Musk

Errol Musk’s life and journey have provided us with valuable insights and lessons that can be applied to various aspects of our own lives. Here are five key takeaways:

1. The Complex Nature of Family Relationships

Errol Musk’s relationship with his famous son Elon Musk is a reminder that family dynamics can be both supportive and challenging. It teaches us that even in the most complicated of family situations, there can be moments of collaboration and influence that shape the paths of family members.

2. The Unpredictability of Wealth

Errol’s journey from a professional engineer to an entrepreneur with diverse investments showcases the unpredictable nature of wealth accumulation. His net worth, while substantial for most, fluctuated over time, emphasizing the importance of financial planning and adaptability.

3. The Impact of Controversy on Reputation

Errol Musk’s controversial personal life, including his admission of an affair with his stepdaughter, serves as a stark reminder of how one’s personal choices can significantly impact their public image. It underscores the importance of ethical behavior and the potential consequences of actions.

4. The Role of Mentorship and Support in Success

Errol’s influence on his son Kimbal’s entrepreneurial journey highlights the power of mentorship and family support in nurturing success. It underscores the significance of guiding and encouraging the next generation to pursue their dreams.

5. The Pursuit of Balance

Errol’s belief that Elon could have achieved even more if not solely focused on work prompts us to reflect on the importance of work-life balance. It reminds us that while ambition is essential, it should be tempered with a consideration of one’s overall well-being and personal life.


Here are three frequently asked questions about Errol Musk and his net worth:

1. What is Errol Musk current net worth compared to other Musk family members?

As of 2023, Errol Musk’s estimated net worth stands at $2.5 million. While not as substantial compared to his sons; Elon Musk’s wealth of $251.3 billion and Kimbal Musk’s fortune of $500 million.

2. How are Errol Musk and Elon Musk related to each other?

Errol Musk is the father of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Their relationship has been both supportive and complex, with Errol playing a role in Elon’s early ventures and achievements.

3. What controversies have Errol Musk been involved in?

Errol Musk has been involved in several controversies, including allegations of an affair with his stepdaughter and documented abuse by his former wife, Maye Haldeman. These controversies have had an impact on his public image.

Final Thoughts: Errol Musk Net Worth

As of 2023, Errol Musk net worth stands at $2.5 million. While a substantial sum by most standards, it pales in comparison to the astronomical wealth amassed by his son, Elon Musk, whose net worth in the same year reached an astounding $251.3 billion, making him the world’s richest person.

Errol’s financial standing has faced challenges in recent years, including divestment from assets and bankruptcy. His journey reflects the ebb and flow of wealth that can occur in the world of entrepreneurship and investment. Despite these setbacks, Errol commends his son Elon’s achievements but believes that Elon could have achieved even more if he were not solely focused on work.

Errol Musk’s life is a reminder that success and wealth often come with their fair share of complexities and controversies. His contributions to engineering and entrepreneurship, as well as his role in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in his children Elon and Kimbal, are aspects of his life that should not be overshadowed by the scandals and sensationalism that have at times surrounded him.

Disclaimer: The net worth estimates and associated data that are displayed here come from a range of open sources online and offline. Due to the possibility of periodic changes in financial numbers and valuations. The net worth, assets and liabilties mentioned here should not be considered as facts.

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